
Request Method: PUT

Description: Update the subscription details for the account.

URL: https://api.iovox.com:444/Subscriptions?v=3&method=updateSubscriptionDetails

The following parameters can be sent in the querystring

ParameterDescriptionDefault ValueData TypeMandatory
vAPI version to use INTEGERYES


The following XML payload must be sent with an updateSubscriptionDetails request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        <subscriber_country>UNITED KINGDOM</subscriber_country>

Payload Description

Node NameDescriptionDefault ValueData TypeMandatory


The recurring amount of credit contained in the subscription.  INTEGERYES
Number of available VoxNumbers in the subscription INTEGER YES 
List of voxnumbers to remove on downgrade. The number of voxnumbers must be zero if the new voxnumber_quantity value is grater or equal than the current number of voxnumbers. If you would like to downgrade the voxnumber_quantity to less than the current used voxnumbers count you have to provide (current_used_voxnumbers - new_voxnumber_quantity) voxnumbers to remove.EMPTYSTRING NO 
Country of the subscriber STRING YES 
City of the subscriber  STRING YES 
State of the subscriber '' STRING NO 
Length of the billing period. Used in combination with the billing_length_unit INTEGER YES 
Unit of the billing period. Used in combination with the billing_length. [D|W|M] YES 


Error Result

HTTP CodeError StringResolution
400API Version EmptyAdd a value for the v parameter in the query string
400API Version InvalidCorrect v parameter
400Request Method must be PUT. x attemptedSwitch request method x to PUT
400XML EmptyAdd xml to the request body
400XML parse error. x at line y, column zCorrect XML at point x on line y, column z
400Request EmptyAdd at least one contact to the request
400Billing Length must be an integerUse integer for the billing_length parameter
400Billing Length Unit should be one of the following: D/W/MSet "D" (Day), "W" (Week) or "M" (Month) as the unit of billing length
400Recurring Credit must be an integerThe recurring_credit parameter should be an integer
400VoxNumber Quantity must be an integerThe voxnumber_quantity parameter should be an integer
400Subscriber Country invalidThe subscriber_country parameter should be one of the followings: "UNITED KINGDOM", "UNITED STATES", "NETHERLANDS", "FRANCE", "IRELAND"
400Subscriber State emptySubscriber State is mandatory if the Country is "UNITED STATES"
400No Subscription foundThe account does not have a subscription yet. First create a subscription.
400Cannot change location after VoxNumbers purchaseAfter the account purchased a VoxNumber for the current location, you can not change the location of the account anymore
400Cannot decrease voxnumber_quantityVoxnumber quantity can not be decreased if the account has more active voxnumber
400Cannot decrease recurring_creditRecurring credit can not be decreased to less than the active credit
400The quantity of VoxNumbers marked for removal is less than the required amountThe provided number of voxnumbers_to_remove must be the difference between the current used voxnumbers and the new voxnumber_quantity value
400The quantity of VoxNumbers marked for removal is greater than the required amountThe provided number of voxnumbers_to_remove must be the difference between the current used voxnumbers and the new voxnumber_quantity value
VoxNumber x of y to remove does not exist
The account does not have the provided voxnumber to remove
500Internal Server ErrorRetry later

Success Result

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content